Monday 1 October 2012

Little Miss Jasmine - Back again, back again, jigady jig

It is close to the end of our first day and my first cooking post!

I dressed up for the occasion (of course) In a pretty little pinafore dress I received from the wonderful Darla this weekend passed. I felt quite housewife-ish in my get-up. 

Today I decided to cook “Beef Strogonoff”. A tasty dish I have been eating since I was little. Of course, I grew up with the bottled version, so it has been too long since I have tasted it cooked from scratch. Like many of the dishes I plan to cook this month, I have never cooked this dish before.

I did find it quite easy to cook, and it got the thumbs up from my boyfriend, so it was quite a success. I think it would be lovely over some steamed veggies on a cold winters/Canberra-spring night :)


(this is what I used, not what the original recipe said. I tweaked it a bit so I wouldn’t have tons of leftovers)

The meat was in the microwave defrosting. I buy all my meat bulk, then freeze it into meal sized portions :)

  • 300g of beef strips
  • 1 small onion
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1tps of butter

Saucy goodness

  • 1 Tbsp. of butter
  • 1 heaped tbsp. of flour
  • 1 cup of hot milk
  • 1 tbsp. of mustard powder (I used keens)
  • 2 tbsp. of sour cream

Lets start!

Chop onion finely, 
 and fry in melted butter until soft. 

Cut beef into thin, small pieces. Season with salt and pepper. (I did this by putting the meat in a plastic bag and sprinkling the salt and pepper in the bag. I got a pretty even coating this way).
Add the meat to the pan and fry until sealed and tender

Put the meat aside in a separate container. 

The saucy goodness

Melt butter in the pan (to get the best flavour, don’t wash the pan in-between cooking the meat and the sauce). 

Add the flour and cook until brown, stirring constantly.

(now, I screwed up here, so lets just pretend the sauce is a bit browner in these next few shots and that I didn’t leave my first batch unattended and let it go black brown :( meaning i had to redo it again. The second time i didn't have the left over from the meat and the onion, so i think thats why i didn't get as nice a brown. )

 Add the hot milk and mix. Add the mustard powder and sour cream, mixing well again. Bring the sauce to a boil and let it thicken up a bit. 

Add the meat back in with the sauce and mix it all together. 

Place the mix in a casserole or oven safe dish and cook in the oven on 180*C for 15 minutes.

I added rice to my meal, but like I said, I think It would’ve been better with some yummy veggies. 

Serve and enjoy :)

For some reason, this picture wont let me turn it around the right way :S

One happy little chick with a full little tummy :)

Little Miss Jasmine

1 comment:

  1. Beef Stroganoff! A blast from the past. Looks utterly droolicious, nom nom ...
