Sunday 7 October 2012

Blossom: Day Seven, Geeks and Fritters

Make a fort save.

Sunday 7 Frocktober


  • High-waisted trousers, jumper, tweed jacket, headscarf, pinny


  • Breakfast - special Sunday brekkie: scrambled eggs!
  • Lunch - leftover pasties, salad, cocoa
  • Dinner - corned beef fritters, boiled potato, salad


  • Corny

Not a lot to talk about today, since we decided to have a fairly relaxed one. The Captain and I enjoyed a late breakfast, lazed around a bit, took Darling Dog for a walk. It was nice.

Darling Dog likes walks, her toy bear, sleeping on the sofa and, apparently, tinned corned beef.
Fortified by a lovely relaxing day, I gained courage and decided to get around to trying a recipe involving that tin of corned beef I had lurking (believe me - it lurked) in the pantry.

The reason for making the fritters (DAH-DAH-DAAAAAAH) was that we were visiting friends, as usual on a Sunday evening. The purpose of the regular friend-visits are to indulge in geekly pasttimes, and in the manner of true geeks we tend to order takeaway food and partake of other foods of a snackly persuasion, although I am happy to say that our Jolt days are long behind us.

As in last week, I packaged up my own food for the evening, which consisted of the corned beef fritters, a boiled potato and some salad.

No microwave for me, so I was eating my fritters and potato cold. Feeling a bit of last-minute nerves, I popped a bottle of mustard into my picnic bag. When it came to the crunch (although 'crunch' is not a word you can really apply to a sentence involving corned beef fritters) I was happy to have that mustard.

This is what my geeky friends ordered for their dinner.

Note the lack of browniness, wobbliness and carrotyness.

Let's just get a closer look at that.

Aaand this is my plateful o' goodness.

Brown, check. Wobbly, check. Carrots, check.

Now isn't that worth a donation?

Taste test results.

The first brave person to try the corned beef fritter was a friend, S, who tasted a forkful and announced that it was 'Okay. Didn't taste terribly corned-beefy. Fine.'

Encouraged, I took a bite. Amazingly, S was right: it didn't have a hugely strong corned beef flavour. It was fairly savoury, chewy and not actually wobbly in texture. With the boiled potato and a bit of mustard - actually not bad.

I finished all mine, and chopped up the leftover fritters to place enticingly on the table among the pistachio nuts and carrot sticks - oh, just call us the Crazy Junk-Food Geeks - for the others to try.

So far, only S has been brave enough. (Wimps.)

For the record, I am still taking requests for VICTORY CUISINE! (Cuisine! cuisine!) but I do expect a donation along with any particularly heinous recipes.

Corned beef fritters - 5/10 - (7/10 with mustard).

Frock you later.

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