Tuesday 23 October 2012

Mel - Day 23 - Lessons on $12 frocks

Today had me drag out a little (and I really mean LITTLE) number that I picked up from yet another cheapie shop for about $12 (you really do get what you pay for!!!). 
I chucked a wee cap sleeve jacket on and viola! 
Today's look.


You cant see it here as I am leaning slightly forward - but that hem line is about 2 inches higher in reality - and the fabric rides up when you even think about moving!
In an attempt not to shred my nude with nude line pantyhose (the only sensible item of clothing today) available at DARLING CENTRAL - I inadvertently flashed my underwear to the bus this morning as I was climbing off my seat to disembark - so it was a great start to the day. 

Regardless of what I looked like in reality - I ended today feeling like I looked like Julia Roberts character in Pretty Woman (pre Richard Gere - including judgmental stares/glares from passers by). 

If I had those abs - I probably wouldn't care as much
It wasn't so bad - a few ogles never does the ego harm - however when a dirty old perv stops you in the street as you are minding your own business walking alongside him and offer (including floppy wristed sweeping hand gesture) you to walk in front of him - you begin to feel a little icky!
I was in a hurry so I took him up on his offer - although I did put my long winter coat on (over the top of my cap sleeve jacket and vinyl jacket that I had left at work yesterday) as I did my best effort to scurry away.

I must have looked like a Russian doll - but with coats! 

By the time I got home I was extremely happy to retire today's frock back to the depths of the cupboard (after an extended stint in the laundry hamper) to only re-appear for special occasions. 

Tomorrow is another day!!! 

 Frock you tomorrow!!!! 
(Unless I flash you with my undies first!!!) 

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