Sunday 7 October 2012

Mel - Day 7 - Smells like heaven

Interesting day today... I got into my first skirt/top combination for Frocktober and started about trying to get my tyre fixed - only to be foiled AGAIN!!!!

The tyre store that I went to have massive advertising banners plastered all over the store and a big advertising campaign telling all about how they are open 9am - 1pm on Sundays. Taking the advertising as gospel - I set out to the store only to discover that being "meat head" car guys, they appear to have made their annual bogan pilgrimage to view the ultimate of 'bogan-holy' sprawled fair and squarely on their couches, or have invaded the fair people of Bathurst and buggered off there...

Not impressed.

After all this it made me late (and still without tyre) so I missed today's KOTY rehearsal.
A big thank you to Ms Ruby Bijoux for the offer of a lift. :D

I gave up on the day and parked it on the couch to watch the F1 Grand Prix (my Bogan day of worship).

After the first corner destroyed my tips, an interesting sound came from out the front. My first thought was that someone went around the corner too fast and the contents of their trailer/truck fell off. This was not the case!!!

Whilst the picture doesn't tell the tale, some lady ran into some other lady who then got shunted down and across the road and into a tree. Everyone was ok - a little shaken - but fine. I then came in to light my new favourite candle. A tropical fruit combination - but mostly banana :D
With a name like that - How can it not smell like roses?!?!!?

Frock you tomorrow for long weekend number 2!!! Ahhh yeah!!!!! 

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