Monday 8 October 2012

Mel - Day 8 - Back to class

Today was the last day of the (2nd) long weekend. :(
(If only every weekend was long!!!)

It started out like a regular lazy Sunday - although it was Monday. Last night we sat up until stupid o'clock (3am???) watching "Gangs of New York". Side note - If you havn't seen it - do yourself a favour - ts brilliant!!!
Also - Its directed by Martin Scorsese. If you are yet to watch his TV drama "Boardwalk Empire" - Do that too!!! (Saturday nights - SBS - 9:30pm)

After eventually getting out of bed and frocked, 

 the Mr and I took a trip to town so I could pick up something from the Salsabor dance studio.

On the way back - we decided to do what everyone clearly just HAS to do on a weekend
(especially if its a long one)...

When we got home - after all the excitement - I was so blown away I did my best Hummingbird impression. 

Eventually I stopped flapping and headed off to Gold Creek to teach my first Zumba class back for Term 4 :D 

 I got home and had some dinner and then put the Mr to work on ironing my frock for tomorrow!!! 
(Yes ladies - The Mr does the ironing in our house. It is extremely hazardous to my health as last time I tried to iron out the wrinkles in my arm!)

Slight dramatisation

After a relaxing shower I set my hair for tomorrow and sat down for a nice hot cuppa tea. 

A woman's work is never done!!!!! Frock you tomorrow!!!!!! 

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