Wednesday 3 October 2012

Darla’s Blog Day 3 Waste Not, Want Not

Wardrobe – yes I know it is FROCKtober but Bloss and I decided to do 40’s rather than just frocks.  For everyone today who asked where my frock was
Argghhhhhhh  Women wore pants in the 40’s – in fact most women worked in jobs where pants were a must – indeed on most days in my day job pants are a must too.  I did see a classic WW2 cartoon once.  In the first part labelled pre-war – a lady trips by in pants and everyone stops to stare in shock.  The second cartoon labelled during the war – a lady trips by in a dress and everyone stops to stare in shock!
Ok – got that off my chest
Today’s ensemble ended up very “Hollywood Director” for some reason.  I started off in land Army mode but once I added the hat, gloves and jacket – it was all very ‘Lights, Camera, Action”
40’s repro pants, blouse and jacket.  Fab mustard cardigan knitted from a 40’s pattern (not by me sadly), gloves and hat vintage

Food – ah yes, a chance for me to get on my “waste not, want not” campaign. 
The amount of food that gets wasted today is shocking!  Do you know food wastage was a finable offence in WW2 in Britain?  Every scrap of food was re-cycled – veggie peelings for stock. Fat could be clarified and re-used, stale bread could be turned into yummy breakfast cereal – honest …..
As part of my little 40’s experiment I will be testing my metal by reducing waste (and that doesn’t mean leftovers to the dogs – sorry guys)
Food today was a bit ho hum apart from a naughty highlight
Breakfasted on national loaf and a whisper of jam, luncheon was half a leftover cheese and marmite sandwich, half a carrot and some homemade veg soup
Dinner leftover cottage pie from last night

HIGHLIGHT – oh joy!  A pot of Earl Grey tea and a piece of rhubarb tart from the café at work.
Don’t judge, this was perfectly valid.  Eating out was extremely popular during the war.  In fact the Government opened “British Restaurants” in many towns.  Eating at these restaurants was off-ration and you could often get goodies unavailable at home.  I will be limiting my “British Restaurant” experiences though….

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