Tuesday 30 October 2012

Mel - Day 30 - 1 day to go :D

I was torn between outfits today. 
We officially had 2 days of frock wearing to go and with tomorrows already "planned" I still had a few choices. (I know right!!!!)

I ended up going with one of my fav's. The Queen of Holloway slinky wiggle dress. 
This one is a hot favourite available at DARLING CENTRAL.  I also wore my cherry blossom birdcage cardi  - also from DARLING CENTRAL

With Cardi
Without cardi!!!!
If you are familiar with the show 'Mythbusters" you may have seen Carrie sporting this number on more than one occasion. 

The Photographer was back on board however forgot her duties so I got the Mr to do a quick snap at the end of the day when I got off the bus. 

After that I walked the pooches and jogged over to the Zumba Queen's pad to do some chori stuff. 
2 hours later I jogged home :D (Via a stop off for dinner at the Mr's mums place) 

Now I'm desperate for a shower.

Frock you tomorrow for one last very spooky time!!!

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