Wednesday 3 October 2012

Miss K Day 4 - Skin care tips from Grandma

In the spirit of a vintage Frocktober I am returning to a skin care routine based on fabulous tips from some amazing woman I have been lucky enough to have in my life, My Grandmother being one of them, she had baby soft skin till the day she died in her late 70's. She pretty much only used one product for her whole life....and that product was be original Nivea Cream!!!

Grandma was a pretty tough lady, in the 40's she worked in boarding houses in Sydney cooking and cleaning for the residents (mostly men) who were often lost souls. She did this whilst looking after 2 young children alone as my Grandfather was a solider and often away for long periods of time. Grandma never had time or money for fancy skin care routines.

So here are some of the ways I will be using Nivea this month:

As a cleanser - yes sounds weird, but smother this stuff over slightly damp skin and then wipe off with a flannel or cotton pads and you will be surprised how much makeup comes off, and you will have silky soft skin after! This may not be for everyone, like those of you that like that scrubbed clean feeling but great for those of us with sensitive dry skin especially in winter.

As a leave on facemask - on a freshly cleansed face (this is particular good after a face scrub) spread a thick layer of cream over your face and just leave it to do its work! I usually do this before bed but it is not kind to pillow cases so may be an idea to do it an hour or so before so it has plenty of time to sink in. In the morning you will wake up with glowing soft skin.

As an eye cream - I have never actually used a purpose eye cream, I just dab Nivea cream carefully around the eye area before bed and hey presto, good bye crow’s feet and dark circles.

So here is to glowing clear 1940's skin!!

Miss K


1 comment:

  1. I must grab a jar! Thanks Miss K - and thanks to your lovely Grandma too.
