Thursday 18 October 2012

Little Miss Jasmine: Frocktober catch up

With all this cold we’ve been having its been hard for a little puppy to stay warm and comfortable, but she battles on, she does.

So today I was sitting at home, surfing the web and being bored. It was then I realised something. Holy god I haven’t posted a post for the blog in almost two weeks! I then proceeded to grab my camera (who had run out of batteries previously in the week) and my phone and downloaded all of my images for my cooking (yes, I had still been cooking, just not posting : p). On realising I had 49 odd photos to post and 5 new recipes, I decided to take a short cut and see if I can do it another day.

So here’s what I’ve been cooking (I’ll try to blog on my own blog and link the recipes up later so i dont overload you all with recipes)

Day 10 : Rissotto con Scampi (or shrimp rice) My verdict. Delicious. I halved the recipe as always and had left overs for the next day. Could be great as a side dish, but we had it on its own and it was lovely. 

Day 11: Bacon and egg pie (or we know it as quiche) I found this sweet little recipe online from this advertisement from the 50s or 60s for carnation milk. Super easy using my pastry recipe from before. Great taste (apart the few little globs of mustard powder that didn’t mix in as well as I wanted them too), and I managed to get 6 meals out of it. Could easily be frozen and thawed out for a quick and easy meal. 

Day 12: Peanut butter and All bran muffins. Funny story on this one. I think this must have been on an advertisement from the 50s for all bran. But reading the end of the recipe, what did I find?  
Kellogg's All-Bran America's most famous natural laxative cereal for diets of insufficient bulk -- try a bowlful today!”

Laxative cereal…..
Fair enough. I mean, call a spade a spade, that what it is, but that’s not what you’ll find in any of today’s advertising. On proceeding to call these ‘laxative muffins’ to my man, he refused to eat them. I only managed to get him to eat them again when I tempted him with frosting.

me and the man doing a very high-school-prom-ish
-photo in mums garden

Day 13 was rock your frock and was a great bit of fun with the girls from darling central. Everyone looked amazing and it was fun to have a reason to glam up and dress the man up for a night out.

Day 14: Barbeque franks. Amazingly yummy. Basically just hotdogs with relish, but sooo yummy. This fed us two nights in a row with hot dog buns.


Day 16(because 15 was covered by left overs from the hot dogs): Chicken breast en papilotte (but I’m gonna re-name it love heart chicken, because of the way its cooked :P)
How its cooked. Like a love heart
A great little dish we had with some roasted sweet potatoes. I loved the sauce sooo much I made it again with some mushroom and chicken thrown in for lunch and had it on bread J A good meal to impress those at a dinner party, or just chill out at home with a drink with.

And that’s been it so far. I have soo many more recipes to try and only a few more days to do it in. But I shall get there :P
Also to make up for it I may be bringing some mini cupcakes into darling central this weekend (I’ll be there all day Sunday) so feel free to drop by and say hi (and be tempted by the amazing stock we have :P

Frock on everybody. 

Little Miss Jasmine

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