Thursday 18 October 2012

Mel - Day 18 - Slightly festive

Last night I had a ridiculously cruddy sleep and woke at 4am only to realise that I should still be in the land of nod. So I went back to bed...

When I got up - I felt like dirt! 
In my haze, I struggled to put together an ensemble - but I got there in the end.

The Photographer was flat out today and didnt get a snap in so I got the Mr to do it when I got home.

For those who saw me in the office today I looked like this...

Canberra's most flattering cardigan

I call this one my "Christmas Dress" and like to whip it out during the festive season. Its one of my many Bettie Page's from DARLING CENTRAL. 
As I was a little chilly - I teamed it up with the only clean and dry cardi that I had that semi matched. Unfortunately it gave the whole look a bit of a frumpy vibe!!! 
(Also note the dodgy hair!)

NOTE: The cardi is from a cheap shop at the Mall and in NO WAY can be located at Darling Central!!!!!!
I love it - but not with this dress!!! Definitely one to wear un-done and with jeans!!!

For those at work that did see the frump-looking frock - please bask in its cardi free glory below!!!

Much nicer without the cardi!

I also had to opt for thongs today because my feet were still rubbed raw from the red heels of day 16.
As I mentioned earlier - I did struggle this morning! 

When I got home I de-frocked, popped on my current favourite gym top and headed off to teach my Kippax class. 
I gave them a good hard class and then came home and put the finishing touches on the "AB KILLA" that will make its debut next Thursday!!! 

The top speaks the truth

Now its time to wash off the sweat tears off and go to bed... 

Frock you tomorrow!!! 

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