Saturday 6 October 2012

Mel - Day 6 - Lazy Saturday

Today began at 5:30am with a cracker of a headache (not from a heavy handed set of cocktails last night - I didn't actually have any). After getting up to dose up on painkillers and stumbling back to bed for a bit more shut eye it began - take 2 at around 10am.

I had a bit of a look at the back half of my hair and decided that my red needed a top up. So I set to it put on a bit of Manic Panic and donned my new headscarf and began to peculate. 

Do you think this look might take off?
I sat around on the couch for a bit in my dressing gown and nightie - but I have a funny feeling that I was doing something wrong... 
The back goes at the front right???
After the peculation was complete, and non jim jams were put on, it was time to duck to the shop to pick up a little something for a late lunch... PLAN FOILED!!!!! My first ever puncture!!!! 

After the Mr did a bit of a tyre swap I took a trip to the local tyre store to get a patch up. 
I was a bit anxious about the spare tyre getting me there in 1 piece. 

Sadly they were closed - but open tomorrow - so Ill be back then!!!! A big thank you to the Mr too - the day wasn't the most pleasant to be changing tyre's in! 

Just a little light cloud cover

I made it to the shop and lunch was served a little later than expected - 4pm :) Laden with a full belly - it was time to take the fur babies for their daily stroll. 

AB-SO-LUTELY Stylin'!!!!

As the rain set it - I donned the wellies and set off... 

Totally camouflaged :D

Much excitement was had by all. Its always fun to play in puddles and wet grass. 

 But its always sad to go back home :(

Why must you take us home yet??? WHY????

Its now that time of day where the feet once again get put up and relaxation occurs - only to get up tomorrow and do it all again!!!! Well some of it anyway!!!! 

Frock you then showing my Bathurst bogan pride and counting down until the Suzuka F1 GP starts :)

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