Monday 8 October 2012

Darla's Blog - How Times Have Changed

Indulge me in a pictorial blog of all things Cocker Spaniel.  For those of you who don't know me, I have collected Cocker Spaniels for many years....

The Englisher Cocker Spaniel
The English Cocker is essentially what is left over when you take out all of the other spaniel breeds.  Known as the “Merry Cocker” (I have yet to see evidence of this Merry Cocker).  Sulky Cocker, Grumpy Cocker, Thieving Cocker &  Mental Cocker are all common to the breed.  Cocker’s were the most popular dog in the UK during the 1930’s and 40’s.  A quick trawl of the net can turn up some rather lovely pictures of the wartime spaniel.  Often to be seen in the company of aircrew or land girls – see below
Land Army Girls with sponging Spaniel

Brave pilot with grumpy spaniel

Dashing Spaniel with some rather tasty air crew..

and finally we come to the modern day spaniel... common habitat - the couch - or the bed.  Likes stealing socks and looking sulky
                                                   Miss Cloud

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