Monday 22 October 2012

Ivy - Day 22 - Raiding my Grandmothers' jewellery boxes

This shot's a bit pensive isn't it? 
Today I got to wear a NEW frock, and yes I know frocktober is not about buying new frocks it's about wearing frocks you already have. However I got this frock at the rummage on Saturday.  It's abeautiful deep blue with lovel button detailing on the sleeves (which I of course forgot to photograph).

It's a wrap dress with what becomes a sweetheart neckline and some lovely gathers on the shoulders which give it a distinctly 40's feel (to me anyway).  I accesorised it with the hideous $4 pantyhose; which are lasting a little too well, and my high-heeled brogues (and yes, I know that traditional brogues are brown but traditional brogues also don't have high heels).

Nanna's brooch

My jewellery today is the reason for this post's title. I wore my Grandmothers anique locket again and this time I added this little treasure from my Nanna.  A beautiful costume piece. My grandfather firmly beleived that a woman could never have too much jewellery and he bought my Nanna some beautiful pieces, costume and genuine, I'm not sure if this is one of them but I like to think it is.

A little parcel of divinity

With such beautiful jewellery and a new frock the day coud not go badly and then this arrived!  A parcel from 'What Katie Did' my vintage reproduction lingerie had arrived!  Because I am a three year old and I can't wait until  get home I had to open it at work.  Untying the ribbon and unwrapping the crinkling tissue paper made me smile.  The pieces inside were even more beatiful than I thought they'd be!  Stay tuned for a post on the importance of proper undergarments! Complete with photographs.

Thanks Big Bad!

Another donation came through today from a delightful friend of mine. I felt the need to aknowledge his donation so I posted this to his facebook wall as a thankyou.

Can you tell I got a new app?
I also spent far too much time playing with my new framing app at home on the couch...

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