Sunday 7 October 2012

Little Miss Jasmine - WEEKEND!

Annnnnnd, I’m back :)

Due to that fact that I have had soooo many left overs to eat (because the master (my boyfriend) has been getting picky with leftovers again) I haven’t been cooking too much in the last two days so I can get through the 5 or so containers of food I have in the fridge. 

So, to make up for this, here are two pictures of sweet-pea-frocktober

Making up for it? I hope they made you smile. 

I am happy to say that I did cook a lovely dinner on Friday, though, so I shall be sharing that recipe with you all today :)



1 packet of frozen spinach (or fresh, if you wish)
½ a bunch of parsley (chopped finely)
1 bunch of green onions (chopped finely)
1 small onion (chopped finely)
Olive oil
170g of feta
Pastry sheet (I made homemade from scratch)
Salt and pepper to taste

So, I’ll start with the pastry. Its super easy and I use it for everything from quiche to sweet pies.
All you need is 250g of butter, 1 cup of plain flour, 1 cup of self-raising flour and 1 cup of water. 

Melt the butter and the water together.

Add the two flours together.

Add the butter and water mix to the flours and mix until a nice dough is formed.
Let it cool so you can handle it better :)



Put frozen spinach, green onions and parsley into a bowl and combine. (defrost it a little in the microwave if you like)

Brown your onions in the pan with some olive oil (yes, not butter for once. But this is a Greek recipe) 

Add spinach mix to onion and cook until slightly brown. 

(at this point it started to look like the offspring of Oscar the Grouch from Sesame Street and Marjorie from Fraggle rock)

Without flash
with flash

Let’s all take a moment to look at the likeness.

Okay, now once you’ve done naming your mix (I think I named my Eugene) take the pan off the heat and add the fetta, chopped up into cubes and mix well. 

Grease a cupcake pan and line with your lovely pastry.  (I accidently only made a half recipe of pastry, but to use up all the filling, defiantly make a full one) 

Add a spoonful of the mixture in each case and cover with a lid of pastry. 

Prick holes in the top with a fork to let the steam out. 

Place in the oven on 180*c and cook for 15 minutes. 

Let cool slightly, serve and enjoy!

I ate mine with ricotta cheese and a smile :)

-          Love little miss Jasmine

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE Marjorie from Fraggle Rock! I want to be her! With her fab glasses! Also thank you for more photos of Sweet-Pea - her wardrobe is better than mine.
