Thursday 25 October 2012

Ivy - Day 25 - Because I'm a grown -up!

Yes I can see it in the distance!
As I keep saying to friends and colleagues of mine I actually am a grown-up and it doesn't matter that I still choose to climb trees and eat cake for dinner I have a mortgage and can vote and everything.

Today's entry is a very image heavy post whcih I apologise to your bandwidth for! Today's ensemble was my Collectif anchor pencil skirt (from the Darling shoppy!) and the Veronica sweater by Effies heart (aslo from the shoppy). I get so many compliments on this sweater it's ridiculous, it's the most amazing colour that wanders betwen olive and mustard depending on light and what colours you put with it.

Getting up there,
was less graceful...
I decided that this was an outfit for adventure so on my lunch break I climed a tree for today's frocktober photo.  In high heels, I do just about everything in high heels (stop sniggering, don't think I can't tell you're sniggering).

It was in interesting day today, my colleague Aligator and I had a tibetan soundbath today conducted by another colleague. It was an interesting experience, meditation and vibration healing.  Problem being I lay on my good ear to avoid denting the 50's do I was sporting today and so I didn't hear her tell us it was ll over.  Not until my dodgy ear prosed the sound of muted conversation did I realise we were done... everyone thought I had fallen asleep and were debating the merits of tickling my feet. Bastards.

Oh the deliciousness...

It wasn't too long after that, feeling blissed out post meditation, we decided to call it a day. We headed into town for a drink and a manicure. The drink was amazing, we went to my favourite cafe in the world; (or at least in town) Koko Black for their seasonal iced chocolate. This spring it is caramelised coconut, in a word, devine! It was like drinking a very adult coconut rough I highly recommend them (and the caramelised cocnut ice-cream is amazing).


We headed in for our manicure and then out for dinner (pre-pole dancing victuals).  We headed into Guzman y Gomez (great GF selection) and decided that we all needed frozen margaritas. Becasue we are grown-ups and that's what grown-ups do; drink margaritas on Thursdays.  Finished dinner (though not the margaritas; the tequila got a little strong in the end) and headed off to pole.

An hour of bruises and graceful collapses later I got dressed up for 'ALEV - We're sexy AND we're dead'.  Walking post pole class from Braddon to Kremlin in a corset and high heels?  Not so much fun as you might think!  Any way got there, had a delicious cocktail or two and watched a great show!  If you weren't there you missed out!

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