Tuesday 16 October 2012

Mel - Day 16 - One too many

Today began as every other day has. 
I slipped on the very cute cherry dress that I picked up at DARLING CENTRAL some while back but haven't worn yet... I have no idea why!?!?!

For my picture today the Photographer took me to what is known as the "Cocktail Lounge" in my workplace. We stopped off to grab a drink and the Photographer proceeded to liquor me up.

In my head it went like this...

Step 1 - Cheers!
Step 2 - Sippy sippy!
Step 3 - AAAAannnnnnnd spent!
In reality I spent the day at my keyboard clacking... I like the illusion better :D 

I came home to more work - dishes - and then ducked out to the shops to pick up some fresh cut flowers to put my trade into practice (more work - which was for work - Does this count as over time???) 

Now its 11pm and Im ready to begin the wind down... 

Frock you tomorrow :) 

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