Monday 29 October 2012

Ivy - Day 29 - Polka dots and cleaning

Selfies at home in the polka dot dress

Today I went for a very authentic 40's do becasue I was dragged out of bed early by a small brown dog desperate to bark at our resident possums.  Needless to say I locked her outside.  This worked for a grand total of 30 minutes when she realised I'd gone back to bed so she howled and grizzled at the door until I let her back in and then it was definitely up time.

Todays 'do' is another variation on snood style, I love snoods they make life so easy!  It based on the ever reliable victory roll only this time I've topped it with a curly pompadour, hy hot rollers were calling to me.  This is very 40s and very easy, it only took four rollers for five minutes to achieve it!

Incognito, see? I'm practically

As alway on Monday's MOH was out hosting his regular quiz so I headed home on the bus, incognito behind my sunglasses... because I'm sure that is all that's required to go unnoticed when you look like I do at the moment.

Love my burgundy bed set too!

When I got home I pottered around changing the bed and cleaning up mine and MOH's room (it looked rather like we'd had our own personal blitzkrieg).  While doing so I discovered my parcel from What Katie Did! I realised I hadn't shown you what it contained yet so here it is! I have a padded bullet bra, a 40's reproduction bra, a beautiful set of french knickers and a new suspender belt!  So exciting, I will get to that post on the importance or undergarments I promise... I guess it will have to be tomorrow!

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