Thursday 18 October 2012

Ivy Day 18 - Locked doors and laziness...

Ghastly uncomfortable things but I was

Today I comitted a terrible sin and I hope you will all forgive me. I wore those most heinous and uncomfortable things; pantyhose.  These were especially dreadful as they were $4 pantyhose out of a vending machine... yeech.  They were also 'regular' sized so they weren't exactly a good fit on my gargantu-la legs. Well it was cold.

Ne'er a seam in sight....

The only plus side of this sin was that the machine malfunctioned and refunded my $4 with the pantyhose, so as uncomfortable as they were at least they were free! So I struggled my way into said pantyhose. They were most uncomfortable after wearing proper nylons and suspenders.  Getting into them was made even more challenging by the fact that I broke a nail this morning so I had to be very careful not to ladder them before I'd even got them on.

Oh the humanity!  Will dire
happenstance never cease....

Apart from cheap and nasty pantyhose, todays outfit was a revist of my Joelene heartbreaker frock, I love the collar on this it's so perfect for pinning cute little brooches to (of which I have  a number).  Hair was vioctory rolls (again) with a coral flower and my Jackie O shoes (I mean Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis not the radio host).

I neglected to take a photograph of the yellow poodle brooch I wore today!  I will before the month is out, I'm sure I will wear it again.  I wore grandma's locket again (it is my favourite necklace after all) and a coral coloured flower; I had planned to wear a pink rse but my dog had ever so helpfully chewed it and it was more that a little bit slobbery...
What's behind this door? ...Nothing... oh, well nevermind.

Hopefully tomorrow goes better!

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