Monday 29 October 2012

Mel - Day 29 - Light at the end of the tunnel

I was rudely awoken this morning by the dogs DESPERATE to get my attention... when I got out to see what the cafuffel was about I was presented with one dead mouse (and I don't mean the DJ kind)! 

I disposed of the carcass and went back to bed. 

I got up again when it was the right time to arise and was presented with another dead mouse!!! 
This one however had been sufficiently splattered about the floor - EWWWW!!!!!!! 

So again - I set about cleaning up mouse carcass - this time with added gizzard - and proceeded to get ready for work. 

I opted for a number from Target today. A simple black thing with my cherry cardi (from DARLING CENTRAL). I also wore my Miss L-Fire shoes - a staple of the Frocktober wardrobe - again from DARLING CENTRAL. 

Today's picture was taken by the Mr when I got home because the Photographer has come down with a bug.Hopefully she is on the mend and back on duty tomorrow :D

I don't look tired at all! lol

I got through my day at work and went home - slightly expecting more presents to be left for me!

 Just before I went to teach my Gold Creek zumba class, I walked into the kitchen to a putrid smell.... It turns out that the wee she-dog found some super fragrant poop perfume to bathe in... 

"Don't hate me because I roll in poo!!! I'm super cute still see!!!"

I left this one to the Mr and headed out the door!!!! Now I'm home, tired and in need of a shower! 

Frock you tomorrow for the second last day!!!!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Comment 1/. Nice Frock Melski! Sits you down to the ground!

    Comment 2/. What delightful hounds you have, bringing you such thoughtful presents!
