Monday 22 October 2012

Mel - Day 22 - How do you do!

I woke up this morning feeling much like yesterday! Snotty!!!!
By the time I got to work I was so clogged by Mr Hayfever's nastiness that I just felt like dirt!

I managed to put together an ensemble that may be familiar to those that visit DARLING CENTRAL.
It was the flamingo girl attire!!!! :D

The Photographer did a great job today considering that I only had 2 minutes to do a snap before I ran out the door! The Photographer went for a bit of a "Grease" look seeing as I also had my vinyl jacket with me for warmth - that I forgot to take home and FROZE at the bus stop!

Why its-a Grease LIGHTNING!!!!!
You cant see it in this picture, but the skirt has Darryl on it and Marcus on my cardi. 
...and yes - those are lace trimmed socks :D

Darryl and Marcus

 When I got home I did a quick changed and went to my class. BIG show tonight! 

Me with the GC crew
Now I am full of fabulous good endorphins and ready for bed! 

 Frock you tomorrow!!!! 

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