Saturday 20 October 2012

Mel - Day 20 - 2 and some shoes!

I woke up this morning to fabulous sunshine. Absolutely beautiful!!!! 

Seeing as I was going to be wearing not 1 but 2 frocks today I opted to start with a more comfortable number over fabulousness - which was to come this evening. 

The first dress of the day was a simple black number which consisted of a black slip thing with a lace like over fabric. (hrm... there is English in there somewhere - I think!) 
This was another of my cheapies and I teamed it with another of my cheapie items, a sheer leopard cardi and thongs. 

So I got up and headed over to the Mall to get in before the masses showed up - someone however forgot to tell the masses that they should not be there though! 

I ducked down to Priceline (or as I once heard it referred to by an old babba - "The Line of Price") and what did I find... 

Bloody Santy Claus has set up shop already!!! Did someone not tell him that is Frockober???? After discovering the Christmassy mess I came back home, did a few chores and went to vote. 

Who will win????
 What an excitement!!!! Im not a political follower but I really home that "Emmanuel" gets up. I have never seen a politician that makes me smile and this guy does. Best of luck to you "Emmanuel"!!! 

More chores to follow including a walk with the dogs and after assisting the Mr and his Ma make preparations for his Pa's birthday headed back home to get my fancy on for dinner. 

Ooops!!! I forgot the rod and reel!!
 The second frock for the day is my favourite "Gone Fishin'" frock from the Bettie Page collection at DARLING CENTRAL. I teamed it up with a pair of shoes that Ive had for AGES but have never worn (as they were too high - or so I thought!!!). 

 Now we are home and its time for bed! 

Frock you tomorrow! 

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