Thursday 4 October 2012

Mel - Day 4 - What a whirlwind!

Today began fabulously, as any other work day with the giant latte and the treat of a blueberry muffin ... and that's where it ended!

My day was a complete whirlwind of work that it whizzed by in such a blur that I didn't even get a chance to hassle my (back on the job) photographer for a picture. Admittedly she did ask earlier i the day but as I was planning to lunch at the lake with a chum, that I would do it there.... Sadly both Chum and I were flt stick and no such lunch by the lake occurred :(

I eventually made it home (on the later - but not latest) bus and hunted out the Mr for a quick snap.

Today's look - not so vintage - was all about the fabric, the cutout and the accessories!

 My favourite part of today's "Too Fast" frock was the coolest lipstick EVER!!!!! 

After the Mr snapped me in my frock he then went back to work digging a trench or some other sort of man hole/cave and mentioned that he needed a few bricks to cover the trench with. It was at this point that I began to worry - was this trench for me???

Luckily the trench/hole is for a slab for our new air-conditioning unit that will hopefully be installed tomorrow :D HUZZAH!
Heating and cooling all year round!!! With that discovery, I set to work to assist - although lugging bricks was not my ideal finish to the day.
With the hard work done - I made some eats and sat down to watch Brynne.

Night! Frock you tomorrow :D

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