Wednesday 17 October 2012

Mel - Day 17 - A dress is a dress - why yes why yes!

Today was another busy day!

My toes were rubbed raw by my shoes yesterday so I opted for a more casual frock for today. I did intend to save this one for a weekend - but my feet hurt too much so I went for the easy option.

Today's number is my fabulous tiki dress from DARLING CENTRAL teamed with a white jacket (that I managed to keep clean) and a matching hair flower.
(Seeing a theme here??? Most of my frocks are from the Darlings - so promo aside - go get yourself a frock from there - they are most excellent! I can say this with 100% truth as I own almost 1 of each one they have ever had in stock!!!)

 I had a colleague question my choice of outfit for today though.
This colleague did ask whether my frock was still considered a dress as I had taken the liberty to add a pair of 3/4 leggings.
It was a chilly morning so I thought that this was a sensible way to wear a frock and not freeze. 

What do you think??? 
I really like this dress - its a cute but of fun - maybe a little much cleavage for the office though! 
Oh my!

After my work day I headed on over to my injured workspace buddy's house to drop off the mammoth flower arrangement that I put together last night. My workspace buddy is currently off work due to injury (remember the horse??) 

Complete with black jelly beans - pretty AND tasty!

It was then home to feast on deliciousness and peruse the net... the rest is yet to be done so nothing to report!  

Frock you tomorrow! 

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