Wednesday 24 October 2012

Mel - Day 24 - Is my house on fire????

Today I went for a bit of a gothic inspired look.

I wore my fabulous Iron Fist skirt, popped on a plain black blouse and chucked my (cheap - and so I found ill-fitting) zip up underbust on over the top.

I finished it all off with my fantastic 'Miss L-fire' "Mammie" shoes (which I got at DARLING CENTRAL)...

...and my pink LeLash fascinator clip. (Another one :D)

It was a rather busy day in the office so it was nice to make it home.

The shot taken by the Photographer was a little on the dark side (Luuuuke!) so I asked the Mr to snap one that shows off the fabulous fabric of the skirt.

As I was pondering what to make for dinner the Mr and I heard the wailing of a fire truck.
 We stuck our nosey beaks towards the window only to see the truck come to a slow as it came around the corner and then appear to stop outside our house. To which I asked "Why is it stopping at our house?"
Our nosey beaks grew and we ducked out the front to check out the action.

Our Island neighbours are regularly having a hungi so we assumed that they were doing another and someone got the wrong idea. On closer inspection of the back yard we realised that it was a little more...

Everyone was fine and not too much damage was done - although I am SUPER glad that I thought to grab the washing off the line when I got home!!!

After all that excitement - its now time to get a hot choc and put the feet up!

Frock you tomorrow!!!

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