Thursday 25 October 2012

Mel - Day 25 - 7 days and not counting - much!

I got up this morning feeling rather flat so I popped on my most fabulous print Bernie Dexter dress which I got at DARLING CENTRAL and things started to turn up. 

I had a number of compliments on today's frock. Its just one of those things that makes you feel good because it looks so lovely - and the print makes you feel the serenity - (Bonnie Doon).

I teamed it up with a little black shrug a whopper of a purple feather bomb for my hair and initially some vintage platforms. 
When I went for my (hot) lunch date today with the Mr - I opted to chuck on some more appropriate "walking shoes" and chucked on my 'Party feet" ballet slipper (emergency handbag flats) available at most chemists. 
I must say $10 VERY WELL SPENT!!!!! 
If you dont have any - GO - Go to the chemist NOW!!!!!

Now onto more pressing matters... 

It has recently been brought to my attention that the Photographer is feeling a little bit neglected by the anonymity that I have given all of those that I discuss during my blogging - in particular the anonymity given to her. 

So everyone - I give you the lovely (albeit uber nerd) Amanda Gibbs - or better known in some circles - just Gibbs. 

As you can see here the lovely Miss Gibbs loves to file in the compactus. 
 There is nothing more exciting to her than a day at the office in her files. 

If she could have had any other career it would be a librarian where she can revel in the aisles of bookshelves and the Dewey decimal system all day (and night) long 
(ALL NIGHT LONG - All night). 

There is nothing more sexy to her than a man who can file. Even more sexy - a man who can file - in the right order!!!! 

She loves to read and spend her evenings writing odes to the bookshelf and the men that create them.

 Whilst you may see an Urkle-esque nerd in this picture - Look out world! 
Does she have a kinky side!!! Phooooo-ey! Just ask her to lemon-squeeze your butterballs!!!! 

On a more serious note - I would like to take this opportunity to thank Gibbs for snappin ma picture every(work)day - mostly... 
You've been awesome and I really appreciate your help.

Only 6 more days to go!!!! (not that I'm counting) 

Frock you tomorrow!!! 

DISCLAIMER: Parts of todays blog may be subject to creative license and may in no way be factual or representative of anyone by the name of Amanda Gibbs...

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