Thursday 11 October 2012

Mel - Day 11 - Rains from heaven

So I was under the assumption that it was spring---- 

I think I was misinformed... 

I got up early and pottered around the kitchen doing odds and ends, one of them being taking out the trash. To my surprise, at my eyeline on the door I found 


My "work day" began the day freezing at the bus stop waiting to go to work. 

Today's outfit is the warmest of all the frocks that I own. One of the original creations under the DARLING SISTERS label. 

Although it was a toasty number - I was still cold when exposed to the elements - I think it got to 8 degrees today... Seriously weatherman WTF!!!!!!! 

My photographer was back on board today and took the first shot for her portfolio. The gleam of the rain in the tree outside our office was a highlight to the picture. 

I put the hair in a little bit of a french roll and finished it off with one of my hair clips from LeLash.

I was rather hectic i the office today so when I got home, to slow down a bit I choreorgaphed a couple of 'bootcamp' style zumba tracks. 
Then I went to class. 
The tracks were a little too extreme (unlike the snail) to dish out on week 1 so I might tweak them and tone them a little and unleash in a few weeks :) BWAHAHAHAHA!!! 

I stopped in a Woolies on the way home and accidentally picked p $100 worth of groceries! Whoops! 

Now Im sitting here in my sweaty gym stink festering away writing my blog... Time for a shower I think - Although I could just go stand outside for a minute :) 

 Frock you tomorrow!!! 

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