Friday 19 October 2012

Mel - Day 19 - Onsie Friday!

I don't have much to say about today other than I wore a onsie - which caused a particularly large amount of excitement and frivolity amongst some (one in particular) of my colleagues - You know who you are!!!

Today's look is a cute little Bettie Page Playsuit (onsie) with a long matching over skirt which makes it appear like a dress - and hiding the 'fun' underneath - which is awesome - until you need the loo and then you have to practically get nakey to go!!!! I also got this outfit from DARLING CENTRAL.

The Photographer snapped a (very) quick pick down at the desk of Mrs L who has some fantastic white orchids on it - which matched my hair.

Step 1 - We can have lots of fun

We left it at one quick work time snap as we inadvertently interrupted the area so we scurried away quick smart! When I got home I got the Mr to take a couple of more detailed ones - albeit in the driveway - out the front! 

Step 2 - There's so much we can do
Step 3 - Its just you and me
Step 4 - I can give you more...

It was quite nice out front however the "Trees of Excessive Fluff" have begun their annual shedding and pollen fluff is EVERYWHERE!!! It almost looks like snow falling. Awesome for the hayfever suffers amongst us!! 

Frock you tomorrow for an exciting ACT Election edition!!!!!

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