Wednesday 17 October 2012

Darla's Blog Frankenduck.....

“Man About the Kitchen” (taken from Ministry of Food Pamphlet)
Now that thousands of wives and mothers are helping in the factories, or evacuated to the country, many men are having to do their own cooking (Oh horror!)
No wonder they ask their women-folk for easy recipes! 

Dear husband has been on leave so decided to help me with the "War Effort" by cooking a delicious feast of mock duck while I was hard at work at "the factory"....

Mock Duck (Quack….)

Cooking time 45 mins
Quantity 4 helpings

1Ib sausage meat
8oz cooking apples, peeled and grated
8 oz onions, grated
1 tsp dried sage

Looks like he added exotic parsley - it didn't help....

Spread half the sausage meat into a flat layer in a well-greased baking tin or shallow casserole.  Top with the apples, onions and sage.  Add the rest of the sausage meat and shape this top layer to look as much like a duck as possible.  Cover with well-greased paper and bake in centre of a moderately hot oven.

Layer 1 - yum

Just before oven - Hubby said it was not possible to shape it like a Duck - or anything else for that matter

About 45 mins later we have....

and in cross-section

What can I say......
It was VILE!!!!!!

I suspect it was really evil recipe dropped in pamphlet form byt he Nazi's to clog up the internal organs and drain the will to live.  One week later I still have indigestion and flashbacks.

Sticking to Vegitarian recipe's for a while...

1 comment:

  1. Haha! That looks terrible. I do not think I will attempt this one :)
