Tuesday 9 October 2012

Ivy - Days 5 to 9 - Part 1: Lazy days and rain...

Shocking behaviour! I am
deeply apologetic.

 Well, I think today's blog entry should start with an apology!  I haven't posted for five whole days, it's been a busy few days recently.  This will be a very picture heavy entry and for that I apologise in advance!

Nice day for a swim?
Day 5 - Was a beautiful day, the sun was out the lake was sparkling and Canberra was doing it's utmost to convince us that it really truly is spring.  So I thought I would wear a new acquisition of mine covered in spots!  You may recognise this frock from Day 1.  This time I paired it with my burgundy collectif cardigan (a wonderful pick me up cardigan with it little star bursts and cocktail shakers, it hard to have a bad day in it, I got it from the Darling shoppy!)  
Isn't it lovely?

No great accesories to note today except one, my beloved - delightful man that he is - gifted me with a four-leaf clover as we were stepping into our chariot this morning. I was so tickled by his gesture that I wore it as a buttoniere all day!

 Lunchtime and it was time to try the bacon turnover I baked at ridiculous o'clock the night before...

You don't look as tasy as
you should....

So after delicately unwrapping them I prepared to have my first taste...  The verdict, not bad, certainly a winnder over sandwiches but then again I hate bread so for me anything is a winner over sandwiches.  The gluten-free lard pastry; not such a hit... it was hard and chewy - it squeaked when chewed! - next time I'll try and find GF puff pasty and I thinkthey'd be much nicer but if you were making doo they'd have been a welcome change.

Potato salad in pastry..
The filling is reminiscent of potato salad sans mayonnaisse, the potato takes on the bacon flavour quite nicely though.

Day 6 - Saturday was a lazy day, which doesn't mena much in our household, a trip to the dog park for our beloved pooch (in the rain as it turned out) and lots of house work.

Sorry for the out of focus...it really was too
bright for photos
Today was my first skirt and shirt combo.  You can't see the detail but it's a peter pan collar and a shirt pretending to be broderie anglais! I'll take a detail shot next time I wear it.  The skirt if a boring black skirt I converted to a pencil skirt (sewing machines are handy things!).

After the trip to the dog park and much housework I attempted another recipe from 'We'll Eat Again' This time I attempted 'Potato Pancakes" at my beloved's request.

Getting prepped

Potato Pancakes


400g unpeeled mashed potatos
250g sausage mince
         parsley and mint
dried herbs
Lard for frying (I used butter it was what I had)

The making part:

Mix ingredients together throughly and fry in LOTS of fat until brown and crispy, this is an excellent dish for any whose favourite food group is Burnt Crunchy Bits*. 

As tempting as it was to eact the pancakes by themselves the voice of my mother in my head was insisting on vegetables so we had... dun da dun dun DAAAAAAAAA

CABBAGE! with leek and apple (not a rasher of bacon in sight though my love was vaguely trepidatious about  apple and cabbage).

Eat your GREENS!

So I fried up the potato and sauted the greens in a little vegetable water. My hob was an inspiring palette of greeny-brown and just plain brown.

You could paint with those colours.

 So after attempting to make some delicious pancakes and using some choice words when they continued to disintegrate (even after the ration busting addition of an egg).  I finished with a delicious looking meal of apple-cabbge and what I havwe dubbed Savoury Eton Mess (it sounds better than 'stupid failed mess of potato')

Surprisingly tasty, most becasue of the giant knob of
butter it's fried in I'd wager

Finally I'll finish with a photo of my little girl, struggling and in need of a haircut. 

Can you tell she loves
a cuddle?

*I must attribute this to the wonderful Terry Pratchett, it is one of my favourite turns of phrase from him, he whoever stole it from Ms Gytha Ogg of Lancre. 

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