Monday 22 October 2012

Darla's Blog My 1940’s Home Front Team

Well, I can’t say the 40’s haven’t been a bit of a challenge.  The Mock Duck nearly killed me, my desire to return to vegetarianism has been increasing daily, and my desire for anything with lime juice, bok choy or balsamic vinegar in the ingredient list is off the scale!
During my Frocktober in the 40s there have been some inspiration people who have kept me laughing, inspired and entertained.  Firstly my dear sister Blossom whose food blog has had me crying on the floor.  Her mid-cooking texts have been equally entertaining.  She is indeed the Queen of the Kitchen and if we really had a war on, I would move in with her ASAP.
Inspirational clothing….
The truly wonderful Kim from Time Machine Vintage on etsy.  I will post some photos of Kim’s wonderful creations.  She has made me some of the most adorable clothing from vintage patterns.  The latest arrived last night!!! The pics below are the one’s Kim sent me when she finished the garment.  I will post one of me wearing it as soon as I can. Technically this is a 1930’s tea ensemble with jacket – but heck – there is a war on and I am sure people would have been wearing some of their clothes from the 30’s – that the line I am sticking to….
Half of the fun of buying from kim is the joy we both take from sourcing great fabrics and trimmings – that joy of collaboration when you get two people crazy about vintage style who are both popping off the wall with inspiration.  Check out her wonderful etsy shop and dust off your credit card.
Now thanks to Kim I found Riikka who was living in London but has now returned home to Finland.  Her vintage blog is my absolute favourite.  She is also a customer of Kim’s and looks divine in her vintage creations.  In fact I will admit… I fashion stalk poor Riikka then get straight onto Kim to order the same in another colour.  I can’t resist – she looks so amazing.  The vintage scene in Finland looks like fun too – I want to go….

Last but not least Carolyn Ekin’s and her blog “The 1940’s Experiment”
Carolyn has been living on 40’s rations for a while now in an effort to get fit and healthy – her results have been awe inspiring – especially as she is now a Vegan on 40’s rations!  Check out her recipe’s and her blog.

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