Tuesday 9 October 2012

Mel - Day 9 - Right on time

Today was one of those days where I question why I got out of bed!

Slept like garbage - missed the bus - tore my dress - all before 8:30am!!!!

I eventually made it to work in my fabulous DARLING SISTERS frock where the day was full of hectic and crazy. I spent the day trying to wrangle details out of a person organising a trip overseas for one of our team. I think pulling teeth MAY have been more successful!!!!

After doing some more work I realised that it was WAAAAY passed home time and I missed my bus home :( I rushed to the bus hoping to catch the next one - who - just my luck - left early!!!

20-ish minutes later the "late bus" shows up and I'm on my way!!!!! 

Hard at work
I spent the entire day daintily trotting around the workplace ensuring that my fabulous pantyhose were not damaged. I was so happy that I had managed to do this as I really liked these ones. 
I managed to make it all the way - almost to my front door - when trying to avoid being swooped by a magpie I tripped on a stick and voila!!!!! 

I have managed to "save" whats left of them with a bit of clear polish but I'll only be able to wear these with ankle boots now :( In my haste to whip them off - I didnt get a picture of the details. Here's the pack to give you an idea. 

Yes of course those are my legs!
I sat down to watch the evening news and saw the forecast for the week!!!! 
Seriously Frock Gods - Dont you have ANY say with the weatherman???? This really isnt frock inspired weather!!!!! 

The rest of my evening was spent primping and preening with the coolest nail polish that I have found! "Sally Hansen - Magnetic". Basically you put it on, hold a magnet over it and let the coolness take effect :) 

One nail 'magnatised' the rest not (yet).

Hopefully tomorrow the weather wont be as predicted and I can frock it in a more summery style - I wont hold my breath though!!! :P
Frock on tomorrow!

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