Monday 22 October 2012

Miss K day 22 - Fun print with a serious message

A couple of weeks ago the lovely Mr K convinced me to buy a leopard print frock. I do have a few leopard print accessories but have never really been brave enough to take the plunge into all over print. I was leaning towards the same dress in black but after a few encouraging words( offers to pay) plunge I did. 

And I am certainly glad I did, this is the only dress that I have worn twice so far this month and have received lots of compliments, so now I am hooked on animal print!

Dress from Lilly and Lou
Necklace from Disney Couture

I also wanted to share why Frocktober is such a special month for me. My Mum is a survivor and the only reason is early detection, she was lucky enough that her body gave her enough early warning signs to get checked out. For many woman this is not the case, and it's to late. There is currently no screening test for this cancer. My Mum had over 12 years cancer free and sadly was diagnosed with breast cancer this year. She has just finished her chemo with dignity and strength and next is radiation, the prospects are good and she is giving it everything she has,

 So it's for woman like my Mum that every October I get my frock on to raise awareness and funds so more woman can have a better outcome and we see the survival rate increase with each year. And to my fellow frockets I say thank you, every day we do this I believe we make a difference.

Much love
Miss K


  1. You look gorgeous - and all the best to your brave Mum.

  2. I wish I could have been at work to see this one Kylie.

    Also good wishes to your mum. She must be an amazing lady to go through all of what she is going thorough now and what she went through many years ago.
