Wednesday 10 October 2012

Little Miss Jasmine - Day 8 and 9

Greetings dear friends. Double post again, because time gets away from me and I forget to post.

First, greetings from the little misses, this time being a back seat driver to the master as we took her on a trip. 

 After Spending my weekend in darling central, home isn’t nearly as much fun. But we battle on, we do. :P

On Monday I cooked this little lovely dinner, which lasted us for two nights.  So I was a very happy girl. 

Stuffed potatoes!


4 potatoes
1 Tbsp. of tomato paste
 250g of beef mince
1 onion
1 egg, separated
1 tbsp. butter
Olive oil.

Boil potatoes in salted water. 

While potatoes are boiling, chop onion finely and fry in butter. Add a tsp of oil while frying. 

Add beef mince and cook until brown (as always). Add salt, pepper, tomato paste, minced parsley and a little water and cook for 15 minutes. 

Remove from heat and let cool a little then add egg yolk. 

 Take cooked potatoes from water and peel potatoes. Put in a bowl and mash until they become nice and smooth. 


 Add egg whites and mix well. Add flour until you can knead it well (I added a lot of flour to get it to this consistency). 

When you’ve got a nice consistency, take a handfull and pat out in your hand until flat. Add a tbsp. of the mince mixture to the middle of the potato and close up. 

 Roll slightly until its egg shape and place on the greased paper. Continue until all of your potato and mince are used up. 

 Baste with oil and place in a oven for 30 minutes or until golden brown on 220*c.
Serve and enjoy!
(awesome re-heated)

My next adventure was….. CAKE!

So this was the cake I made the other week and I really wanted to make it again. So here it is in all it glory.

Chocolate Intrigue


2 cups flour
1 heaped tsp of baking powder
Pinch of salt
2/3 cup of butter
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
2/3 cup milk
1 tsp of vanilla
2/3 cup chocolate syrup
Drop of  Peppermint extract

Sift flour, baking powder and salt together in a bowl.


Cream butter and 
gradually add sugar. 


 Blend in one egg at a time, beating well after each egg. Mix in milk and vanilla.
Add gradually to dry ingredients, mixing well again. 

 Turn two thirds of the batter into a well-greased cake tin (I used a pretty heart tin)


Add chocolate syrup, peppermint and a bit of milk into the remaining batter.
Spoon chocolate batter over white batter. No need to mix this time :)

Cook for 1 hour on 170*c (or when a skewer comes out clean).
Let it cool then turn it onto a wire rack (I cut the top off mine to look purtty, but you don’t have to).

Wait for it to cool completely and ice as you wish :)

Little Miss Jasmine :)

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