Tuesday 16 October 2012

Ivy, Day 16 - The last minute...

Another photo of the dog!

Today I completely forgot to take a photograph until I got home so I look slightly dishevelled as I have been to the park with the dog and to a catch-up pole class.  Today it was victory rolls again, but, this time I left my hair out at the back.  It looked nice until I got caught in a rather large gust of wind and then it just looked like a bird's nest...

Today I revisited my 40's dance dress which I incorrectly attributed to Unique Vintage it's actually ReVamp Vintage but still from the shoppy!

I accesorised with some less than vintage boots today but they needed an outing, they told me.  These are my Miracle Lourdes boots from the amazing and brilliant John Fluevog; a Canadian designer who makes the most beautiful and wearable shoes on earth! Otherwsie there is not much to mention about to day's outfit.

My treasured possesions!

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