Thursday 25 October 2012

Shari - Days 23, 24 and 25

Well as I have feeling a bit under the weather, with 2 attempts at getting dressed and heading to work, only to turn around and go home after an hour - there is not much too report.

Day 23 I wore my cowgirl dress by Queen of Holloway, purchased at Darling Central. Even though I went home ill - I did stay in my frock till after my doctors appointment, so it got a few hours if wear.

Day 24 I was lazing about feeling sorry for myself - so the comfy cat dress made an appearance. This dress was purchased from Felt Clothing in the Gus' arcade in Civic. Perfect for lazing around in.

Day 25 I made the attempt to go to work again - but after an hour felt like rubbish and went home. Lucky I did my frock pic early in the morning. Today I wore a favourite frock of mine purchased from Dangerfield last Summer. I love the red flowers on this dress.

Have tomorrow off work - so here's hoping I feel better so I can enjoy it just a little.

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