Tuesday 2 October 2012

Mel - Day 2 (Day of ageing)

So my day was spent predominately on the couch in my jim jams watching the tele - but I did get up periodically to do some domestic goddess like activity :D
Eventually I got my frock on (albeit a slack set up today) and took the pooches to the park...
Me and Mr Ru
Me and The Bup Bup
Shameless selfie in the park
Lower half - proof that the top wasnt teamed with sneaky jeans :) I did get swept off my feet and out to dinner - but I was in the same ensemble - so no other pictures. Tomorrow is anther day - sadly back to work - but in some other fabulous frocktastic attire to make it all worthwhile!!!! Frock you tomorrow!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Puppies! Great photos - and it that elegant green nail polish? Very thirties.
