Tuesday 2 October 2012

It would seem that I’m a little late to the party here but I have arrived and Miss Gloria Sass is in full swing this Frocktober. I arrived back from my Roller Derby Tournament on Monday so needless to say, to fight the hangover, I was not in my pin up best. But I was in my capris.
I began my version of Frocktober yesterday by going all out with the lovely Georgia Peach available at the Darling Sisters and a cardigan over the top. Outfits though, are not my problem, my issue is the hair. Hair is essential to pulling off the vintage look and for a girl like me, time is a valuable resource. Luckily enough, I have very thick hair which likes to stay in one place so after my hour long PT session yesterday morning, I ended up looking like this
Today, I will tell you how I managed it. First of all the Pin-Up Hairstyles book is available at Darling Central for $42.50. Go buy it and use it AS A BIBLE. Read it, study it, practice it and while at first it will take you up to an hour to do your hair, I promise it will end up taking you about 10 minutes in the end. Also, for those days where you don’t have much time, buy a snood. Or multiple, because you need different ones for each outfit. I have blue, red and white at the moment and I think I want a green one.
I started by separating a good portion of my hair from about where a headband would sit forward and put the rest in the snood immediately. This keeps my hair out of the way and stops me from getting pieces tangled or pinned where it shouldn’t be. Also, my hair was dry which makes it much easier to put up in style. I then sectioned my hair into a big ‘H’, meaning I could use the left and right sides as Victory Rolls and leave the middle for some other styling.
My victory Rolls usually come first and my first attempt is always dodgy but at least if I do them first, I have a basis to work off. Next I do my favourite part of my hair, it’s a Victory Roll behind the fringe and I tend to style it so it looks like a wave, I make it big, I make it obvious and I make sure that it touches either the left or right Victory Roll. This requires some twisting, pinning and patience but once you pull it off, it will look amazing. Next it is the re-doing and pinning of the Victory Rolls and you have creating licence to do what you like with your fringe. I usually roll it and pin it under, but my fringe has a mind of its own and I tend to make it up as I go. Just remember to have it facing the opposite way to your wave!
Today I’ve gone 1940’s and put a wave in my hair. Its hard with such thick hair but as my hair was wet this morning, it was a quick fix. Make sure if you want to pull this look off, that you have some pomade or gel to keep the hair flat!
The way I see it ladies, is that if you're going to wear styles such as these, you can't do things half-assed. Go the whole hog, have fun and if you're going to wear it, wear it well, wear it with confidence and pride and you'll be amazed how much attention you will get. Love what you do and love yourselves.
Also, its my birthday tomorrow, whatever shall I wear?!?
Much Love
Miss Sass

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