Monday 1 October 2012

Mel - Day 1 - Farewell to pants!

Huzzah!!!!!! I was a little sad thinking that I would not be able to contribute to the blog as I had no PC to type with - but my dearest boyfriend to the rescue :) Happy birthday to me with a shiny new computer to greet me this morning!!! :D He really is a good egg that fella!
So here is my 'old timey' outfit from yesterday. We spent the afternoon in the sunshine at Floriade listening to the sounds on "Moochers Inc" who if you havent heard of - you should check them out :)!
At this point in time, Im still taking it easy in my jim jams (which I have also switched to a nightie for the month of Frocktober) so I'll post up todys ensemble a bit later :)

1 comment:

  1. Naw, Miss Gerry looks so cute 30's style!, Also, the fella is good, nice tech set up!
