Tuesday 2 October 2012

Day 2 - back to work

Day 2

Back to work with an ensemble of navy 40’s reproduction suit, red 40’s shoes, vintage hat, 40’s blouse, vintage gloves, girdle and stockings.  By 3pm I was ready to rip off the stockings and strangle the nearest person....


I just can’t eat first thing so I overcooked some porridge made with water (no jam or other sweet goodness) and ate it with a pear at morning tea.  I think that was Hitler’s secret weapon.


Lentil soup courtesy of sis – was yum, cheese and marmite sandwich


It was supposed to be Mock Duck as it is hubby’s birthday.   Sadly I had no apples so had to make do with Cottage Pie.  Basically small amount of mince, one onion, seasoning of choice, many veggies and a bit of Bisto gravy.  Top with mashed potato and bake until brown.  Was good. 


  1. Happy birthday "hubby"!!!!
    We share the day of ageing!!!
    Huzzah to getting old!!!!!!

  2. Happy Birthday to The Other Half!
