Tuesday 2 October 2012

Better Late than Never

Darla’s Blog

Sorry fellow bloggers – Darla here, late as usual with my slightly dodgy 40’s blog. I make no apologies for creative spelling and awful pictures – look away now if they might offend you…

Day 1 – back to the 40’s for me!

The British Home Front has always held a fascination for me. I remember hours of exciting history lessons, mostly dealing with totalitarianism, Lederhosen and odd habits of the Nazi’s. Thrilling as that was it seemed so far removed from my Mother and Grandmother’s tales of 40’s and early 50’s Britain. This was the Home Front where those that stayed home had a pretty tough time with bombs, rationing, uncertainty and fear for their loved ones fighting overseas. I have nothing but admiration for my Grandmother who steered her little family through the war years while holding down a full time job as a welder. In fact, my kick ass Gran was a welder before the war! I hope you will support my efforts in raising money for a fantastic cause, and raise a glass of whiskey to my fab Granny Gertie who taught me so much.

Day 1 of the war and I am home alone with the pups (hubby is gallivanting on the Gold Coast). Order of the day is sensible house dress, apron, no makeup and mankie slippers – yes I am a wartime slob… No pictorial evidence so DON’T PANIC! I spent a jolly day at the dog park (swapped slippers for sensible shoes) and endeavouring to scrape a layer of filth from Chez Darling. I have a great fear and detestation of house work – with the exception of washing and ironing which I adore - I have a dawning fear that I bear a strong resemblance to my Great Aunt Emmy – her wartime adventures were legend, as were her washing and ironing skills. A case of fur coat and no knickers….hmmmmm

Rations for the day were simple. I consulted by Ministry of Food Pamphlet de jour entitled “Cooking for One” and decided on the following menu


National loaf (any dense wholemeal bread will suffice) and a scrape of jam and coffee


Veggie soup with more national loaf


Baked jacket potato with more veggies and a dab of butter and cheese

Also chomped on whatever fruit I could find lurking.

Totally scored at the local shops – must be an ex-pat Brit ordering stock

Booty included Marmite (bad English version of Vegemite), Tinned rice pudding (yum), Pearl Barley (much underutilised these days) and Bisto gravy granules. I heard Bloss scored some Ovaltine – might have to kill her....

1 comment:

  1. It's okay Darla, you don't have to kill me this time. It was only Horlicks. XX Bloss
