Wednesday 3 October 2012

Mel - Day 3 - Suffering for the cause

Today started off as day 3 - return to work after a super long weekend.... I donned my most fabulous green number and got to town on time (actually earlier than expected - AND after checking my lotto tickets - of which I won $12!!! - WINNING!!!!) I headed to the office. And then - I got there...
After catching up with everyone's weekend events and getting some actual work done - I discovered that my "Workplace Photographer" had called in sick and was absent from her post on day 1 of her duty!!!!! An outrage if I have ever seen one!!!! But HUZZAH!!!! The fabulous Miss Mandy stepped up to the plate and with utmost glee saved me from a shameful day of selfie's at the office :D I may need to recruit her as my permanent Imagist!!!
At lunch I chose to wander the streets in search of a "big card" for a different colleague and friend who has done herself a whoopsy and unfortunately is in need of much time off. (Side note - Anyone want to buy a horse???) Which is where suffering - stage 2 - began!!!! Cue feet!
Whilst these cute little tootsie warmers look fabulous and match my head scarf - they weren't broken enough to handle a mad dash Civic scurry :( My brain wave of sticking the band-aids to the outside of my 'hose to stop the rub was an ultimate fail and quite frankly only made the problem worse! Note to all you ladies out there - Band-aids inside the pantyhose ladies!!! INSIDE!!!! No matter how irritating the trip to the lavy is to do it - It is worth the hassle!!!!!! Eventually home time o'clock showed up and as I wandered to the bus stop (with my band-aids now in their correct location) to catch my carriage home I began to notice how many things matched today's ensemble!!! (Which actually began at 9am when I realized that the photocopy paper box was the same shade of green as my dress). It began with a few shop signs, a Commodore and also obvious things like the grass and leaves etc.... and then as I stood there waiting - I saw this.......
So today, not only did I return to work after a long weekend - I scurried around town giving myself blisters, all while being dressed like a bus! What on earth will tomorrow bring?!?!?! HONK HOOOOOOONK!!!!!! Frock you tomorrow!!!!!!

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