Taking time to stop and smell the roses... |
Day 26 - Went early 60's today with my first beehive of 2012. I love wearing beehives, I get such a positive response. Mostly from ladies my mum's age shaking their heads and laughing while they tell me about how they used to wear their hair just so! That's part of the fun of doing something like this, being told that you look just like someone's mother.
The do, undented. |
Wearing 60's make up today felt quite foreign, this is the decade when eyeliner migrated to below they ey as well, and it was OVER THE TOP. Like most of the decade. Take for example, my lovely gizmo print. Very typical of early 60's fashion it also would not have been out of place on someone's living room wall.
Visit the Hug-man! |
So sporting my 60's beehive do and my gizmo print (not to mention even more make-up than has been usual this month) I headed in town for an iced chocolate with MOH. Who should I spot but this guy on the left! He made my day, we had a little chin-wag about why he would choose to do this and what people's reactions were, and yes I did ask him before I took his photo for this blog! If you need a hug he is in Garema place every Friday afternoon!
Hooray! New favourite shoes! |
Before meeting my beau I had a moment of grooming, after having my nails done yesterday I realised that it was getting to the point where I didn't so mcuh have eyebrows as two giant hairy caterpillars battling for supremacy over my forehead. It was time to call in the professionals and a very good job they did too! I also had just enough time to make a new purchase for a burlesque routine I'm working on; a very glamourous pair of neon pink heels.
Selfies in the mirror at home |
Day 27 - Saturday! At last, time at home with the dog. Only it rarely works out that way. Today it was my knotty dress again, if I can't wear scungy old comfy jeans this dress is the next best thing. Treat it like a rag and it still looks fabulous. I teamed it with rockabilly hair and a little crocet bolero I got at the rummage!
The day at home thing was working quite well until lunchtime... We decided to go to Guzman y Gomez for lunch and stop by the art market on the way home. At Guzman y Gomez MOH ordered this little gem:
naturally/artificially flavoured |
The English language pedant in me laughed and laughed. MOH didn't seem to find it as funny...
On our way to the art market we rescued a fledgling noisy miner bird (noisy miners are native, it was not an indian miner bird). It had jammed itself into a hole near club lime on Marcus Clarke street. We looked for it parents but couldn't spot a nest or any other birds and the poor thing looked like it had, had a run in with and ANU campus cat... So no art market, off to the RSPCA we went.
They have many chickens, so guess where we will be going to get chickens for our coop?
Why? Oh why must you do this to me? |
Day 28 - Today was spent with the dog. Although at times I'm sure she wished it wasn't (see left). We went to the dog park and then to Pet Stock for a bath and just to prove it; yes I do actually do just about everything in dresses during the month!
Playing 'Skip to my Lou' |
After the bath we stopped by Pet Barn, just to have a look you understand. Which meant we had to stop at As Nature Intended for a coffee, of course. While we were having our coffees little Miss Em did her best to talk to everyone who happened to pass by (Especially small children, she loves them, my theory is they smell of more things, also they're at licking height). We go to listen to this lovely little folk duo who were playing in the piazza at Belconnen Markets.
After the Pet Barn we took Em to visit MOH's Nan. She doesn't really like dogs but Em's never met a person she couldn't win over. She'd made herself at home in the space of a heart beat. After a cup of tea with Nan we headed to MOH's mother house for (you guessed it!) another cup of tea. Again Em made herself at home in the space of heartbeat, on the furniture, in and out of bedrooms and the garden. By this time it was 4pm and we still hadn't managed to eat lunch and the dog was tuckered!
Yet more tea.... |
So we went home for... drumroll please... more tea. The dog promptly conked out on the couch next to us, we gave up on lunch and decided to eat dinner early.
Later in the night... we drank more tea!